If so, RFIdentity has solutions that provide Access and Asset Control systems that will help…
Solving Access and Asset Control issues will help you compete in today’s marketplace. Ensuring your employees are wearing the required PPE will help you prove safety compliance. In addition, it will also ensure when accidents do happen, your employees will be as safe as they can be, decreasing insurance and injury costs. In the case of an extreme emergency you can verify the location of all your employees with mustering points where RF technology will be able to verify employees are safe. Using RF technology with geo-location services will allow you to quickly find assets within your facility, saving you time and money.
RF Identity combined with Alien Technology has created a cost effective solution and proven process that we implement by tagging Personal Protection Equipment and strategically placing readers at exit/entry points throughout the facility. RF Identity advises companies on the placement of the readers and RF tags to give points of tracking to accurately scan and alert the proper persons of unauthorized entry streamlining the operation through technology instead of manpower. Our Access and Asset Controls allow you to geo-locate assets within your facility and to ensure your employees are safe and wearing the appropriate PPE. With the ability to define different PPE requirements for different areas you can customize your facility as needed. Our unique solution can even detect buddy-punching. Real-time alerts and web-based reporting allows you visibility into your organization you’ve never had before, even when you are miles away. Contact Us For More Information